18 May Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) Results
Each year, our students from fourth through eighth grades take the standardized test, Iowa Assessment. Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade scoring 95%, or above on designated portions of the test qualify for the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP).
Students qualifying for TIP in 5th and 6th grades:
Fia A., Anna C., Massimo C., Riley C., Delia H., Cooper H., Zachary M. and Jaedyn S.
Congratulations to Fia, Massimo, Riley and Cooper for receiving Special Recognition!
In 7th grade, the students qualifying may participate in the Duke Program and are invited to take the ACT or SAT college entrance exams, which allows them greater insight into their academic abilities. In addition, they gain valuable benefits and have access to unique resources.
Students qualifying:
Dylan H., River L., Zander M., and Courtney R.
(Thank you students for taking the time out of play rehearsal to take a picture!)
Students participating in the TIP program who score at or above the national average of recent high school graduates on at least one part of the ACT or SAT, receive State Recognition and are invited to a ceremony at a university.
Congratulations to seventh grade students Courtney and Zander for receiving State Level Recognition!
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